Ban Orkut
Monday, September 10, 2007
(I know this is a pretty old issue. But then so was this post. Its just the usual case of the laziness catching up with my fingers. So, I decided to post it anyway to get things started)
Orkut should be banned. It can be used to spread terrorism, start hate groups and such like. One would think that mankind would stop its own destruction after unleashing upon the peaceful world the phone, postal system and e-mail and thereby taking away precious lives. But we never learn, do we? We continue to destroy ourselves by starting such ‘social’ networking sites.
Whoever raves about free communication being good and encourages it obviously has a grave mental problems. He may ramble something about sharing information and maintaining friendships. How could he even bother about friends on Orkut when he could die in communal riots any minute?
Google personifies hypocrisy. Do no evil. Well, why then do they offer such destructive products like Google search, Blogger, g-talk and Orkut, all of which enable all anti-socials to come together and kill others. They should just stick to more non-evil businesses like incense sticks, cotton candy, rosewater, white skull caps, soft toys and cuckoo clocks?
Indeed lets go ahead and ban all Google products, phones and mobiles too. And while they are at it, they could also censor mail and TV as well. Let us stamp down on all the ways those communal rioters and terrorists can communicate. Let us give peace a chance..
P.S. Of course this is sarcastic. Whoever thinks otherwise is either an idiot or a Shiv Sainik. Or maybe and even more likely so, both. I am a huge fan of Google and am thankful to FSM that such bans aren’t in place. And I think the Mumbai police are fools for filing a case against Orkut instead of Shiv Sena, who created nuisance by breaking cyber cafes and violent beating up of the owners.